Quick Start Guide to Build a Piantor (Raspberry Pi Pico)

Don’t connect or disconnect the TRRS cable when the keyboard is powered. Always disconnect the USB cable first.

Flash the Vial firmware on both Raspberry Pi Picos by copying the uf2 firmware to the USB mass storage device. If you do not see a mass storage device, you will need to enter the bootloader mode by holding down the BOOTSEL button while reconnecting the board into USB port.

Solder the Raspberry Pi Pico and the TRRS Jacks

The Raspberry Pi Pico can be soldered on both left and right halves using the castellated holes on the top side.

Test the key presses

Connect both halves using TRRS cable. Run Vial on the computer and switch it to the Matrix Tester tab. You can trigger key presses by shorting the hotswap socket pads or switch holes.

Solder the hotswap sockets or the key switches

You can solder hotswap sockets (as a hotswap version), or low profile choc v1 key switches directly (as a non-hotswap/soldered-in version).

Final Product

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