elephant42 QMK Firmware with VIA

Firmware Download

The firmware can be downloaded at https://github.com/illness072/elephant42-firmware/releases

or from the following links.

elephant42 default QMK Firmware

Flash the elephant42_default.hex file with QMK Toolbox. The firmware includes OLED display support by default. The default RGB LEDs are red in color.

elephant42 QMK Firmware with VIA

Flash the elephant42_via.hex file with QMK Toolbox. The firmware does not include OLED display support because the firmware size with elephant animation is too big.

Configure the VIA Software on the Host Computer

The elephant42 is not included in the official VIA repo. So, after connecting the keyboard to the computer, it still shows "Searching for devices...".

To fix this, switch to the Settings tab and enable `Show Design Tab`.

In the "Design" tab, select "Load", and choose via.json downloaded from https://github.com/illness072/elephant42-firmware

After that, the keyboard can be configured with VIA.

Last updated